Securing Our Imported Supplies

East Branch of California Aqueduct, May 2023


我们的基础: Securing Our Imported Supplies

这是一个简单的现实:南加州当地没有足够的水来满足我们的人口和经济需求. The region imports more than half of the water it uses, most of it through Metropolitan. 我们把这些水从两个源头带到这个地区:萨克拉门托河和圣华金河,通过 国家水利工程, and the 科罗拉多河, via the 科罗拉多河 Aqueduct. 这些进口水源共同为南加州供水的可靠性奠定了基础. Knowing that these critical imported resources cannot easily be replaced, 大都会航空公司努力确保其在气候变化面前的持续可靠性.

20% of our water comes from the 科罗拉多河 Aqueduct, 30% comes from the State Water project, and 50% comes from local stormwater, 地下水, 回收, 和海水淡化

The 科罗拉多河 Aqueduct: Where It All Begins

80年来,科罗拉多河一直是南加州进口水供应的支柱. Built and operated by Metropolitan, 科罗拉多河渡槽将河水从242英里外的沙漠输送到南加州. 在大都会5200平方英里的服务区,它提供了大约20%的用水.

最初由威廉姆·穆赫兰构思,由大都会的第一位总工程师弗兰克·韦茅斯设计, 科罗拉多河渡槽是大萧条时期南加州最大的公共工程项目. 在七年多的时间里,35000人在沙漠中辛苦地建造了这个工程壮举.


Lifeblood of the Southwest

Since Metropolitan’s first CRA deliveries in 1941, 科罗拉多河的水帮助南加州变成了今天的繁荣地区. The river also sustains people, 农场, 企业, 部落国家, and wildlife across six other states and Mexico. 但是,尽管对科罗拉多河的用水需求增加了,河水的供应量却没有增加. The resulting imbalance will likely grow as the climate warms, reducing run-off in the river’s watershed. 科罗拉多河有4000万人口,500万英亩的农田依赖于这条河,这是为共享这条河而进行的持久斗争中的最新挑战.

科罗拉多河发源于科罗拉多州西部和犹他州东部的上盆地,然后从鲍威尔湖流入鲍威尔湖, 水流入位于亚利桑那州北部的下游盆地,然后流入内华达州的米德湖. 最后,这条河沿着亚利桑那州的边界流入墨西哥的加利福尼亚湾.

The water level of Lake Mead in July, 2023. 由美国提供.S. Bureau of Reclamation.

Hoover Dam, photo courtesy of United States Bureau of Reclamation

A New Era of 可持续性

For the past two decades, 大都会一直致力于通过在加州内外建立合作伙伴关系,开发基于合作的创造性保护和储存项目,提高科罗拉多河的可持续性, 不冲突. 双方达成的协议和建立的信任为西部各地的水务机构就解决河流失衡的下一步措施进行谈判奠定了重要的基础.



国家水利工程: Delivering Supplies from the Northern Sierra

Lake Oroville, May 2024

Lake Oroville,  photo courtesy of DWR

Along with the 科罗拉多河, 南加州的另一个主要进口水源——通常约占该地区年供水量的30%——来自北塞拉山脉. 水通过水库和输水管道系统输送到这里,即所谓的国家水利工程, the largest state-built water and power system in the nation. The water collects in the Feather River, 经过奥罗维尔湖,蜿蜒穿过萨克拉门托-圣华金三角洲,然后进入444英里长的加州渡槽,到达南加州. 一路走来, 州水项目为从湾区到圣地亚哥的2700多万加州人提供了至关重要的供水,并维持着生产全国近一半水果和蔬菜的农田.

几十年来, 从环境保护和水质法规到以日益极端的天气模式为标志的气候变化,三角洲面临的压力越来越大,这降低了SWP向南加州输送的可靠性. Recognizing the importance of the Delta’s health to our water future, Metropolitan is committed to science-based watershed management, 多益环保措施,以及与三角洲地区持份者建立以社区为基础的伙伴关系. As we evaluate long-term investments related to water supply, we are ensuring they are aligned with our Climate Adaptation Master Plan for Water 规划过程.

The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta:
Hub of the 国家水利工程  

The Delta is critical to the state’s economy, water supply and quality of life for millions of Californians. It is home to an important ecosystem and diverse historical communities. Learn more about this unique place, its challenges and 大都会的角色 in helping to develop cooperative regional and state solutions.

Saving for a Not-So-Rainy Day: Exchanges, Transfers & 水银行

加州的天气一直变化无常——从非常干燥的年份到非常潮湿的年份. As the climate changes, those swings are expected to become even more extreme, which means greater fluctuation in the water resources Metropolitan imports. To ensure Southern California has reliable water supplies, regardless of these swings, Metropolitan has made significant investments in storage. We’ve increased our storage capacity by 13 times since 1990, so when there is a very wet year in the Sierra or 科罗拉多河 Basin, we can store water for use in dry years. Some of that storage increase has come through investments in surface reservoirs, like 钻石谷湖 and Lake Mead, through the Intentionally Created Surplus program. 但同样重要的是,大都会通过与加州各地的水务机构合作,开发了地下水银行和交换的储存能力.

A panoramic view of the Antelope Valley-East Kern High Desert Water Bank.  This project enables Metropolitan to store and withdraw up to 70,000 acre-feet of water per year – enough to serve the needs of 210,000 Southern California homes.

Antelope Valley-East Kern High Desert Water Bank

Antelope Valley-East Kern High Desert Water Bank

Banking Across the State

Through its 地下水 banking agreements, 大都会与伙伴机构沿着州水项目和科罗拉多河渡槽储存水. 他们要么把水放入他们的地下水盆地,要么把它换成他们从地下抽出来使用的水. 在干旱年份, when Metropolitan’s imported supplies are limited, 这些合作伙伴要么抽取一些储存的水供大都会使用,要么提供其他供应作为交换. 

Metropolitan’s Partners:

  • Semitropic 水银行 and Exchange Program, Wasco
  • Arvin-Edison Water 管理 Program, Arvin
  • Kern Delta Water District Water 管理 Program, Taft
  • Mojave 存储 Program, Mojave 
  • Antelope Valley-East Kern Water Agency (AVEK) High Desert Water Bank 
  • 沙漠水务局/科切拉山谷水区高级188bet棋牌平台项目,科切拉山谷

水转移 & 其他协议

大都会发展了其他伙伴关系和项目,以提高进口供应的可靠性. This includes direct water transfers and exchanges, in which water is directly purchased in dry years, or exchanged for more water in wet years. 大都会的投资组合包括与州和联邦水务机构的此类协议, water districts and individuals. On the 科罗拉多河, 大都会还开发了专门的保护项目,其中大都会投资于农业保护并接收保存的水.

Crops growing in a field located below arid mountains
